On Sunday morning Ken invited me along with 彭洁, our中文老师 (Chinese lecturer in Ma Chung University) to go to her family’s marriage. We arrived at Ken’s home early at 7 a.m. (Actually I was a bit late coz I almost forgot the appointment =p). Well, at that time we watch the marriage promise (akad nikah) and 彭老师 asked me few questions about that.
After ‘akad nikah’ we spent the time talking about many things in Ken’s room. 彭老师 was interested with the history of Chinese-descent people in Indonesia, the topic that Ken and I also like to discuss. We also compared about people habit in Indonesia and China, the culture, even we talked about guy. 彭洁liked suggesting people, she’s really suitable to be 老师 ^^.
After that I asked老师 to come to my home. At that time the whole family was going to Surabaya, so there was only me and my 1st sister. I told 老师 about my family, I showed her the family photo album. She asked me to keep my baby photo^^.
Then I dropped her in her home. But at 3 p.m. we went back to Ken’s home to see the ceremonial’s wedding. This is the most interesting part. Ken asked 老师 to bring the ‘Kembang Mayang’. You know that in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony, there will always be two girls in bride side and two boys in broom side to hold the Kembang Mayang. Actually it’s Ken, but she want 老师 to replace her.
So 老师 wore ‘kebaya’ and ‘jarik’—she’s so cute, really, just see it in the photo^^. She changed the Kembang Mayang with the boy in broom side. Hooo…she’s a bit nervous~~. Then she asked me what was the meaning of changing the flower, but I couldn’t clearly answer (poor Javanese me -_-“).
Take a look at the photos…^^
I also share the photos and video on Facebook.
Wah2,,, seru!
BalasHapusnext time, 彭老师 di dandanin pake konde juga, Mi...and, she must be very beautiful...=)
postingannya kayak pelajaran reading daily activities di kampus. Mi, kenapa setiap melihat fotomu aku merasa ada yang berubah ya? Apa wajahmu emang berubah? Gimana ke Jermannya? Apa kabar nasib Manohara? Kenapa aku mimpi ngerjain aljabar melulu?
BalasHapusahh, terlalu banyak pertanyaan *ditendang*